• February 9, 2025

About The Community Paper

Published each Thursday in San Marcos, CA.

Contents may not be reprinted without written permission of the publisher. Copyright 2002.

Editorial and advertising deadlines: 10 am Friday prior to Thursday publication.

Our Team

Editor / Publisher: Lyle E. Davis

Managing Editor: Lisa Scarpello

Statement of Purpose

The Paper exists for a community of citizens by offering news, opinions, advertising and community service and is a private enterprise which must succeed as a business.

The First Amendment:

The United States is virtually unique among the nations to guarantee its people the right of free speech. That explicitly includes freedom of the press. The responsibility and opportunity is to seek truth and justice, to question government and authority, to champion causes of the minority or the majority, and to foster comment and opinion.

Legally adjudicated by Superior Court Judgement #N9220 to publish public notices.